Saturday, October 22, 2011

Joshua & Hannah {then comes marriage}

My "little" brother Josh and i have always had a special bond. We were both born in September.
It meant something, i'm not exactly sure what, other than,
We never would have guessed that we would be married in the same month!
July must be pretty awesome as well.
Josh, i love you and am SO proud of you! Incredibly proud of how you pursued Hannah the last few years and won her heart and affection!
You have walked it out like a man of God and a man of Grace. Way to go!
Thank You for giving me the privilege of shooting your wedding! i'm the lucky one.

Josh & Hannah first met while on the High School Track Team and their relationship took many turns through seasons of Cross Country and Track at Lynden High School, so it was more than appropriate for their First Look to take place on the home stretch of the Green Track!

i love you both so much and am so glad we are not only siblings but friends. xo

Joshua & Hannah
July 10, 2011

John & Sarah {then comes marriage}

John & Sarah were the first brave folks in Minnesota to let me capture their wedding day, and i was SO honored and blessed to be apart of something so special. It may have been a long time coming but the love that i witnessed between the 2 of them is sure to last forever.
Here are a few of my favorites...

Most of my clients opt for a "First Look" as Bride and Groom. Each time the raw emotion is a little different, but each time it is beautiful and wonderful... this time, i was having a hard time not losing it behind the camera... John was a bucket of tears. it. was. beautiful.